Community News
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What’s Happening at Sioux Lookout Learning Centre?
Office closed to public due to pandemic
The Sioux Lookout office is closed to the general public as staff are practicing physical and social distancing at this time. We are still available for communication via phone, email, and fax....
Don’t know what to do with yourself?
1) Take action on what you DO know, 2) Stop staying you don't know what to do with your life and start saying how EXCITED you are filling in the pieces. 3) Make sure you're not pretending you don't...
Einstein’s advice for a happy life
"A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness." This was written in 1992 by Albert Einstein in Tokyo at the Imperial Hotel on their...
Student Stories
Cricut Designs
Here we have a learner who designed her very own personalized pillow using our Cricut machines. What will you create next?
3D Printing
The opportunities to produce items with the 3D printer are endless. Who would have thought we could make a pair of glasses for our favourite four-legged friends!
Laser Engraver
Meet Russell! He took a picture of himself and used our laser engraver to re-produce his picture that was laser-etched into wood. Looking sharp Russell.
Community Updates
In memoriam
At the Sioux Lookout Learning Centre, we meet and connect with many learners from the community. And over time, these learners become friends as we get to learn and share with them. Unfortunately,...
Local events
In 2021, Sioux-Hudson Literacy Council turned 30 years old. It's been an incredible journey over the years and we're looking forward to the next 30 years! We are so appreciative of the support from...
News from partners
Sioux Lookout Library - Anyone living in Sioux Lookout or Lac Seul First Nation can get a library card at no charge. 1. The library is currently closed to the public. The only way to check out...